Three Doors - "Sitha-Kaya-Vachanaya" - deep analysis

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According to the Buddhism 3 doors defined as “Sitha”, “Kaya” and “Vachanaya” (mind, body and speech) and lack of control of them are root causes for Karma. If logically thinking, body and speech are controlled by mind, if mind/consciousness not exists, body and speech become inactive. Therefore, why body and speech are defined as independent factors which causes Karma. Because body and speech are dependent factors of mind. Please explain.

Dear Saman,

This confusion has happened due to some misunderstanding about Pali words. Errors stemming from this same cause can be seen even in Sinhala translation of Thripitaka (for example Sambuddha Jayanthi Thripitaka Malawa). I actually wanted to write an article about this but you asked the question before that. While I will write that article later on and include details, for you to understand the error and what's correct, let me explain a bit. Pay careful attention to words and how they are translated.

Lord Buddha has not said that people do bad acts (or Karma) through "Sitha", "Kaya" and "Vachanaya".

Instead, Lord Buddha has said that people do bad acts through "Kaya", "Vachanaya" and "Manasa". Note that the difference is instead of "Sitha", "Manasa" is used.

"Manasa" similar to eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin is a sensory organ due to which "Sitha" originates. The so originated "Sitha" disappears very soon and due to the sensing of one of the six sensory organs, another "Sitha" originates and disappears. This process continues.

So, when saying that people can do bad acts (or Karma) through "Kaya", "Vachanaya" and "Manasa", they are independent in nature and do not depend on another. In doing any one of these Kaya Karma, Vachi Karma or Mano Karma, you can say that Sitha precedes it.

In English, there are no words to distinctively describe "Sitha" and "Manasa" because those who created English didn't know what actually happens within a human being.

Sinhala word "Sitha" is found in Pali as "Chiththa". The word "Manasa" as we use in Sinhala is found in Pali as "Mana" and "Manasa".

This confusion does not exist in the Pali version of Thripitaka. Sambuddha Jayanthi Thripitaka Malawa has Pali content and Sinhala content in alternative pages. You can see that Pali content is consistent but the translation to Sinhala is what has gone wrong.

So you see, "Sitha", "Kaya", "Vachanaya" triplet should be discarded and "Kaya", "Vachanaya" and "Manasa" triplet should be used.

Also to get a clearer understanding about what good or bad things you can do with "Kaya", "Vachanaya" and "Manasa", you can read Chunda Suthraya (You do not find the translation error in this suthra). Many other similar suthras exist in Thripitaka.

Chunda Suthraya:


සටහන: මෙම සාකච්ඡාවන්ට ප්‍රතිවචන (reply) ලබාදීමේ හැකියාව අවසාන සටහන ප්‍රකාශිත දිනයෙන් සති හතරක් ඉක්ම ගිය පසු ඉබේම අක්‍රීය වේ. එම අක්‍රීය කිරීමට පසුව එවන් සාකච්ඡාවකට ප්‍රතිවචන ලිවීමට ඔබ කැමති නම් ප්‍රතිවචන ලබාදීමේ හැකියාව සක්‍රීය කිරීම පිණිස අදාල සාකච්ඡාව කුමක්ද යන්න සඳහන් කර යන තැනින් අපට පණිවිඩයක් යොමු කරන්න.