පිටිදූවේ තුච්ඡ සිරිධම්මගේ අනුගාමිකයෙකු සමඟ කෙරුණු කතාබහක්

පහත දැක්වෙන්නේ පිටිදූවේ තුච්ඡ සිරිධම්මගේ අනුගාමිකයෙකු සහ මා අතර යූටියුබ් වෙබ් අඩවියේ "Ven Hegoda Vipassi Thero exposes Pitiduwe Siridhamma aka Samanthrabadra" යන වීඩියෝවේ ප්‍රතිචාර යටතේ කෙරුණු කතාබහක්:

  • o24ai software
    Thu, 13 Sep 2018 21:11:57 +0530
    කිසිම කරුණක් සඳහා නිවැරදි පිලිගත හැකි දෙයක් මේ කතාවේ දැක්වෙන්නේ නැත. අරහේ තිබ්බා අරයා කලා කිව්වට Point less කතාවක් . සමන්නභද්‍ර හිමිගේ දර්ශනයේ වැරදි තැන් ත්‍රිපිටකය ඔස්සේ පෙන්වා දෙන්න. පිළිගැනීමට අප සුදානම්.
    1. Trekmentor
      Fri, 14 Sep 2018 06:47:48 +0530
      පිටිදූවේ තුච්ඡ සිරිධම්ම ජේසුස් වහන්සේ කීවෙත් බුදුරජානන් වහන්සේ කී මාර්ගයම බව කීම
    2. o24ai software
      Tue, 25 Sep 2018 14:21:40 +0530
      ඉතින් මේකේ ඇති වැරැද්ද මොකද්ද ?

      විශ්වයේ තියෙන එකම සුවය නිවනයි. විවිද නායකයෝ නිවන මේකයි කියල හිතාගෙන මාර්ගය කියනවා. නමුත් හරියටම නිවන් දකින විදිය කිව්වේ බුදු හාමුදුරුවෝ. වෙන ආගමක කෙනෙක් ඇවිත් මෙහෙම ඇහුවම , මෙතක් කල් හදාගත්ත සංකල්ප එකවර නැති කරලා ජේසුස් වහන්සේ කිව්වේ වෙන පාරක් කියනවට වඩා. ප්‍රඥවෙන් ඔහුට මාර්ගය පෙන්වීම වැරදි ද ?
      උදාහරණයක් හැටියට ඔබතුම හිතාගෙන ඉන්නවා සමන්ත භද්‍ර හමුරුවෝ කියන මාර්ගය නිවන නොවේ කියල . නමත් මම හිතනවා එක නිවන කියල . දැන් මම කිව්වොත් ඔබතුම යන විදියට අපායට තම යන්නේ කියල , ඔබතුම ඒකමතිකව මාව පිළිගන්නවද ? නෑනේ ?

      හෙම දෙයක් ගැනම පොඩ්ඩක් ඔලුව පාවිච්චි කරලා හිතන්න , විශ්ලේෂණය කරන්න , අන්ධ භක්තියෙන් අදහන ආගමක් නෙවෙ බුද්ධ් දර්ශනය
    3. o24ai software
      Tue, 25 Sep 2018 14:29:30 +0530
      If you never heard about this kind of things , please listen . Its from BBC news

      I'm not telling Jesus told correct path to nibbana. But some of them may be same ideas because he was also a Buddhist monk. You have to study whole lot of history before criticizing someone.
    4. Trekmentor
      Wed, 26 Sep 2018 13:11:58 +0530
      24ai software: "වෙන ආගමක කෙනෙක් ඇවිත් මෙහෙම ඇහුවම , මෙතක් කල් හදාගත්ත සංකල්ප එකවර නැති කරලා ජේසුස් වහන්සේ කිව්වේ වෙන පාරක් කියනවට වඩා. ප්‍රඥවෙන් ඔහුට මාර්ගය පෙන්වීම වැරදි ද ?"
      ඕක මොන ප්‍රඥාවක් ද? ඕකට කියන්ඩ තියෙන්නේ දුෂ්ප්‍රඥාව කියලා.
    5. Trekmentor
      Wed, 26 Sep 2018 13:29:23 +0530
      24ai software: "You have to study whole lot of history before criticizing someone."
      No, because Lord Buddha had taught us enough. Hence we can precisely reject all forms of lies just by looking at the core of them. All the past, present and future religions, perspectives, arguments, doctrines, ideologies or theories are inclusive - we are able to precisely identify the lies from the truth. Surrounding stories are not needed.
    6. o24ai software
      Wed, 26 Sep 2018 14:45:55 +0530 (Updated: Wed, 26 Sep 2018 14:50:56 +0530)
      Trekmentor  . Great you know everything. I think you have understanding more than Lord Buddha to precisely reject everything. I don't know anything and I don't have any master understanding like you to identify each vision separately everywhere in the word. Could you please tell me and give me any reference to follow correct path that you know. ? I'm always open to learn from anyone.

      By the way, Why don't you guys doing a open discussion in public media with Samantha Badra thero regarding these misleading things ? Then everyone can understand that you are the one who is telling the truth.
    7. Trekmentor
      Wed, 26 Sep 2018 16:19:20 +0530 (Updated: Wed, 26 Sep 2018 22:52:42 +0530)
      Why open discussion in public would fail? Because he is similar to a person who is blind from the birth and rejects the existence of vision. As long as the blind will not change that thinking, no amount of public discussion would be sufficient to convince the blind that the vision exists. It would be yet another fool who would think that the said approach would lead the blind to realize his fault.

      I could give further references, but you have already misquoted what I said. In that case giving further references appears to be not ideal.
    8. o24ai software
      Thu, 27 Sep 2018 11:42:49 +0530 (Updated: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 11:43:33 +0530)
      Trekmentor If he is blind why you can't do a debut and make his arguments fail ? That is because you don't have enough facts to prove your vision.

      හතරවරන් ගහන්නේ නැතුව කොන්ද කෙලින් තියාගෙන තමන්ගේ දර්ශනය ගැන කතා කරන්න බැරි මිනිස්සු මෙතන , ප්‍රසිද්ද මාද්‍යක තර්ක නොකරන්න හේතු හදනව.
    9. Trekmentor
      Thu, 27 Sep 2018 12:23:57 +0530
      Let's say you come across a blind person. He is blind from the birth. He doesn't have a clue about vision. But he hears about vision from the others who are not blind. He categorically rejects their talks about vision. He claims that there is nothing called vision. He has a number of other blind people similar to him who agree with his idea. The entire group of blind people see even a slightest talk about vision as a joke. If you claim that logical argument can be used to convince the reality, what is the logical argument you use to convince them that the vision exists and is real?
    10. o24ai software
      Thu, 27 Sep 2018 14:09:01 +0530 (Updated: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 14:14:57 +0530)
      Trekmentor  You cannot prior predict who is the blind person here. That is why open discussion is required. You give final decision before doing any discussion. That is the behavior of a foolish person. I can see you are the blind person from the birth here. So you have to prove that you are not blind by doing a open discussion with him. That is the behavior of intelligent person.
    11. Trekmentor
      Thu, 27 Sep 2018 14:59:57 +0530 (Updated: Fri, 28 Sep 2018 15:24:31 +0530)
      o24ai software: "You cannot prior predict who is the blind person here."

      That's your individual problem, not mine.

      o24ai software: "You give final decision before doing any discussion. That is the behavior of a foolish person."

      No, no discussions are need - because we have been hearing the blind screaming for many years now. It would be yet another fool who wouldn't understand that.

      o24ai software: "I can see you are the blind person from the birth here. So you have to prove that you are not blind by doing a open discussion with him. That is the behavior of intelligent person.

      I'll take it as your view. You have not answered my question about the existence of a logical argument that would make the foolish blind to accept that the vision exists. I too don't see the existence of such. Hence an open discussion would not work. Only the fools will think otherwise. I'll consider that understanding as my intelligence.
    12. o24ai software
      Thu, 27 Sep 2018 15:12:51 +0530
      +Trekmentor you said its my individual problem. Yes that can be. So same as that, blaming to samantha badra thero is your individual thing not others. So its not good to blame hear and there for a personal thing. You should solve those things personally with him. Blaming everywhere without solving personal thing is a old village woman behavior. As per buddhas teaching everything should solved by discussion. So you are not following buddhas teaching. You are just hating him that is we can understand from your approach.

      ගමේ ගෑණු වගේ තැන තැන බනින්නේ නැතුව කොන්දක් ඇති පිරිමියෙක් වගේ ගිහින් මුණට කිව්ව නම් ඉවරයි නේද .
    13. Trekmentor
      Thu, 27 Sep 2018 16:02:48 +0530
      o24ai software: "So its not good to blame hear and there for a personal thing. You should solve those things personally with him. Blaming everywhere without solving personal thing is a old village woman behavior. As per buddhas teaching everything should solved by discussion."

      If so, you could consider that even the old village women would treat Thuchcha Siridhamma as a foolish blind. By the way, where had Lord Buddha said that everything should be solved by discussion? That doesn't appear to be a statement made by Lord Buddha. The benefit of being an intelligent person is that it's too easy to recognize the lies.

      o24ai software: "ගමේ ගෑණු වගේ තැන තැන බනින්නේ නැතුව කොන්දක් ඇති පිරිමියෙක් වගේ ගිහින් මුණට කිව්ව නම් ඉවරයි නේද ."

      පෙනීම යැයි යමක් නැතැයි කියන මෝඩ අන්ධයාට පෙනීම යැයි යමක් ඇතැයි තර්කයෙන් ඔප්පුකර පෙන්විය හැකි නම් ගිහින් මූණට කියලා ඉවර කරන්ඩ තිබ්බා. නැති හින්දා කරන්ඩ තියෙන්නේ සුදුසු බව බලලා අනිත් අයට මූ මෝඩයෙක් යැයි තේරුම් කර දෙන එක. අන්න මෝලයක් තියෙන පිරිමි ගතිය. කාට හරි ඒකෙන් ප්‍රයෝජනයක් තියෙයි. මෝඩ ගෑණු වගේ අයම කොන්ද ඇති පිරිමි ගැන හිතලා මහත් අභිමානයක් ආටෝප කරගෙන ගිහිල්ලා උත්සාහ කරයි. නිශ්ඵල වැඩ. උත්සාහය වතුරේ. හැඳිමිට නුවණ.
    14. o24ai software
      Thu, 27 Sep 2018 21:26:47 +0530 (Updated: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 21:29:14 +0530)
      Trekmentor  "everything should be solved by discussion" I meant , if there is a problem with two different visions.

      විවාදයක් කල යුත්තේ යම් දෙයක් මුලික කරගෙනය. එහිදී ත්‍රිපිටකය ආශ්‍රයෙන් පැහැදිලි කිරිම් කල යුතුය. සමන්ත භද්‍ර හිමි කියන සියලු දර්ම කාරණා තිර්පිටකය තුලින් උදාහරණ දක්වමින් පැහැදිලි කරයි. එය ඔබ අන්ධයෙක් පෙනීම නැතැයි කියනවා නම් , ඔබට පුළුවන් විය යුතුයි ත්‍රිපිටක තුලින් , අවස්ථා ගෙනහැර දක්වමින් , පෙනීම ඇති බව පෙන්වීමට . එසේ නොහැකි නම් , හේතු සාධක ඇතිව පැහැදිලි කරන නිසා පෙනිම කියා දෙයක් නැති බව උවද ත්‍රිපිටකට අනුව පිළිගැනීමට සිදුවේ.

      I'm just an open minded person. I'm not extreme person to hardly believe only Samantha badra thero. I would like if you kind of people can do a such kind of prove with real points using thripitakaya. So that we can understand the truth. I'm not ready to accept this kind of one side hate speeches (specially your blogs) without any reasonable points. But good try from you :)
    15. o24ai software
      Thu, 27 Sep 2018 21:42:11 +0530
      btw, I can see you are blaming to everyone , mahamewnawa,waharaka,and many more as a profession. But before blaming to others , you should point the correct path to everyone. Considering blaming to everyone , you should know the path to Nirwana ,could you please tell me the correct path ??
    16. Trekmentor
      Thu, 27 Sep 2018 23:20:40 +0530
      o24ai software: "සමන්ත භද්‍ර හිමි කියන සියලු දර්ම කාරණා තිර්පිටකය තුලින් උදාහරණ දක්වමින් පැහැදිලි කරයි."

      ඒක නං හරි විහිළුවක්. වෙන මොකකට හරි ත්‍රිපිටකය කියලා කියන්ඩ වෙනවා ඔය ප්‍රකාශය ඇත්ත වෙන්ඩ.

      o24ai software: "I'm not ready to accept this kind of one side hate speeches (specially your blogs) without any reasonable points. But good try from you :)"

      No, I didn't try. I have told earlier that I don't see the existence of a logical argument that would make the foolish blind to accept that the vision exists.

      o24ai software: "Considering blaming to everyone , you should know the path to Nirwana ,could you please tell me the correct path ??"

      Why don't you go to someone whom you believe to know the path well and learn? You have said that I am blind, I make hate speeches, I blame others as a profession and so on. If so, what makes you to ask the path from me? If you see myself as such a terrible nut, you shouldn't expect me to know the path. By asking the path from a person viewed as such a fool, you are portraying yourself as a dumb.
    17. o24ai software
      Fri, 28 Sep 2018 05:46:49 +0530
      +Trekmentor If you are saying others are wrong , you should know the correct thing. Otherwise you are the most foolish person in the world.
    18. o24ai software
      Fri, 28 Sep 2018 05:52:44 +0530
      +Trekmentor "Wena mokakata hari thripitakaya kiyanna wenawa" Okata tama kiyanne hathara waran gahwa kiyala. You have to show the correct points for that.

      If you are saying others are wrong , you should know the correct thing. Otherwise you are the most foolish person in the world. Im a person searching for the truth , i dont care other person is a devil or a child. I listen to them and get the valuable things from them. I can understand now, I dont have anything to get from you. You are also same as this man who is blaming without any reasonable point.
    19. Trekmentor
      Fri, 28 Sep 2018 07:15:52 +0530
      o24ai software: "If you are saying others are wrong , you should know the correct thing. Otherwise you are the most foolish person in the world."

      OK. I don't mind others knowing me as a person who knows the path.

      o24ai software: "Im a person searching for the truth , i dont care other person is a devil or a child. I listen to them and get the valuable things from them."

      Crooked guys don't know the path. If you think otherwise and attempt to learn from such, it's your dumbness, not mine.

      o24ai software: "I can understand now, I dont have anything to get from you. You are also same as this man who is blaming without any reasonable point."

      You couldn't answer my question. I too don't see the existence of a logical argument that would make the foolish blind to accept that the vision exists.
    20. සොරි අදහම් ආශ්‍රමය
      Fri, 28 Sep 2018 15:18:14 +0530
      "අන්ධ මම පවසමි. පෙනීම යනු මෝඩයින්ගේ කථාවකි."